Monday 14 February 2011

Final Props List

Car X 1
Fishing Wire X 1 reel
Fake Blood x 1 bottle
Holdall Bags x 4
Knife X 1
Road Map X 1
sleeping bags

Opening Synopsis

our opening starts with one of our characters tied from a tree with fishing wire, his skin is all cut and the wire restraints have sliced into his skin. moving back in time our 4 campers are packing the car to leave for their camping trip, and re-tell the story of how we got to our opening shot. the 4 teens arrive at the woods and spirits are high, all of them are looking forward to the trip until.things start to seem strange as they feel they are being watched, strange noises start to be herd on the 1st night.

jamie and sam anomatic

Friday 11 February 2011


The Script.

Opening –black screen – soundscape of screaming and pleading.

Opening shot:
Joe secured to tree with razor wire, his skin is completely cut up and he is unconscious, the audience has no idea weather he is alive or dead. We see a large figure barely lit, standing looking at his victim, knife covered in blood, in his hand.

2 Days earlier.

Gemma: please don’t forget to bring anything this time, as much fun as it was you guys forgetting toilet roll last time, I don’t fancy using leaves again.

Joe: chill out will you, it’s all good, were pros now.

Girls: laugh.

Josh: is that everything? I think were ready to go.

All get into car joking and laughing. And start ignition.

All: were on going on a summer holiday (singing)(Pulling out of driveway)

Jo: how long till we get there, Joe I thought you said it wasn’t far.

Joe: according to the map were nearly there, I should have found out where we were going before we decided to come here, I know.

Josh: seriously man, we need to pull over im bursting back here.

Gemma: pshhhhhhh, ha-ha sorry babe, couldn’t help myself.

Josh: you’re not funny; I’ve never needed to go so bad.

Jo: will you two calm down, you couldn’t make your flirting any more obvious.

Joe: it’s this turning, were like 2 minutes away.

Josh: this looks nice and out the way (winks at Gemma)

Joe: seriously you two make me want to gag!

They arrive at a decent spot, and start unloading the car and setting up tents.

Jo: Joe, Where’s the cooker?

Joe: ahh shit I knew I forgot something


Joe: I’m joking short stuff! Its under the sleeping bags.

They set up camp sun goes down and its dark, the lads have started a small campfire for everyone to sit around. The whole group sits around having a few drinks and reminiscing and telling stories.

Josh: this is going to be one of the best weekends we have had in a long time.

Everyone nods smiles and agrees.

Camera pans around them and focuses on a set of trees behind the group.
The group continue to banter and joke.
We cut to a slit frame between two trees, and the audience start to realise this isn’t going to be a normal camping trip.

Gemma: right im not being funny, but im slightly trashed and its getting late. Im going to bed.

The others, nod and agree and walk off to the tents and all settle down to go to sleep/

Gemma (whispers): josh, did u hear something.

Josh; no, why?

The sound of a tyre bursting startles the group. And Jo Screams….



List of Roles/ Responsibilities.

Sam: Casting director
Head of lighting.

Jamie: head of camera work.
In charge of Props and costume.

Both: Location Scouts

Cast: Played by:
Joe Burns- Joe Burns
Jo Buckland- Jo Buckland
Gemma Crocker- Gemma Crocker
Josh Grey - Josh Grey

Andy Burse- The ex solider.

we have chosen PA students as actors as means we can focus more on the camera work and mise en scene elements of the opening, as they will pick up what we are trying to achieve. we chose our roles based on what we are good at, for example in my other course i specialize in lighting, and Jamie specializes in sound so it makes sense for us to stick to our strengths to achieve a high quality artifact of work.

Lighting Decisions

For the day time we will use a small amount of borrowed light for the darker areas. Will will be using a natural Gel (straw). for the evening/night time scene, the actors will be sitting around a fire. This by its self may not create a sufficient amount of lighting and so we will use a very dim orange/red to light the characters faces. Within the shots set at night, e.g. in the tent of in the woods we are going to use a ice blue gel as this creates a sense of cold and tension. During the scene where one of the teenagers is tied to the tree we are going to use dim front lighting on him so that we can see the details on his face. The 'soldier' will be back lit to create almost a silhouette like effect - this will make him seem frightening and suspicious to the audience as we cannot tell a lot about the character.

Location shots

Chailey common:
we have decided to use Chailey common for our filming as this possesses the most qualities of our original location. it has dense wood lands along with open bushland and some specific features we saw when we were doing out location scouting which we felt we would be able to use effectively. also we are going to use Sam's house for our scene on the driveway while the characters are packing up the car, we decided this because he lives the closest to Chailey common and we do not feel that this is the most important location in our opening therefor it is convenient for transporting equipment. although we were talking about fire, we are filming in a public place so we may film the camp fire scene on private land in the dark so it will be extremely hard to tell the differences between the two venues, this solves our problem with the public place issues. we are still debating however weather to use the "scrapyard" we were considering filming in as we are not sure if this will add or take away from the opening.

Monday 7 February 2011

Plot Synopsis

our opening starts with one of our characters tied from a tree with fishing wire, his skin is all cut and the wire restraints have sliced into his skin. moving back in time our 4 campers are packing the car to leave for their camping trip, and re-tell the story of how we got to our opening shot. the 4 teens arrive at the woods and things start to seem strange as they feel they are being watched, little do they know that in the woodland is a psychotic ex solider on the lose and his latest hobby is murder. stalking their every move, one by one they start to disappear, and the remaining teens find themselves running for their lives, with no maps or phone service their last hope is remembering the way out.

Friday 4 February 2011

Body effects we are going to try and recreate.

 our first shot shows one of our victims cut up and strung to a tree with fishing wire so tight it has cut into his skin. we were wondering how this would look so we goggled it and found some images of what we could make the body of the victim look like.

by having these photos as a reference we can try different methods of creating this effect and compare it to how the real thing would look. as we decide more specific details of the piece we will add more photos of effects we are going to create then when our filming is done will we compare these with the research photos and talk about how we achieved the effect.

Location research

we have started to think seriously about locations, and have looked on the satellite view on Google maps and grabbed screen shots in a plan view. these screen shots are areas we are going to look at for our final filming, and get normal photos of the areas when we look at them.

Chailey Common.

 Ash down forest.

Friston Forest

We like these locations because as well as possessing dense woodland then also have open brush land which can help us to create a sense of large areas of land, and also means we have more choice of areas to film. which we can combine to create different effects on the audience and sequences in the piece.



Sam on the right.

Sam On the left.

Above we have show how the 180 degree rule was broken, this meant that we have to re-film out prelim to show that we understand this rule fully. if we had of seen the error during filming we would have kept Sam on the right of the shot and not the left. we could have also panned round the scene to avoid this rule being broken. 
we are currently working on rectifying our preliminary mistake with the 180 degree rule, this should be completed by mid week, and will be longer in length and have the 180 degree rule included, without breaking it. as we no longer have the means to re-do the shot exactly how it was we are now going, to film the final sequence with different actors, even though this means the piece is slightly inconsistent. we have shown consistency in the original and we are re-filming purely to show we have an understanding of the 180 degree rule.