Friday 4 February 2011

Body effects we are going to try and recreate.

 our first shot shows one of our victims cut up and strung to a tree with fishing wire so tight it has cut into his skin. we were wondering how this would look so we goggled it and found some images of what we could make the body of the victim look like.

by having these photos as a reference we can try different methods of creating this effect and compare it to how the real thing would look. as we decide more specific details of the piece we will add more photos of effects we are going to create then when our filming is done will we compare these with the research photos and talk about how we achieved the effect.

1 comment:

  1. As a perf arts student you have access to Jonathon etc - ask for their advice as to effects. they will be able to save you alot of time searching and can probably direct you very quickly.

    Mention how the above relates to the story - constantly make links
